Larimer County, CO

Greeley Dairy Youth Extravaganza 2024

greeley dairy extravaganza

The 2024 Colorado Dairy Youth Extravaganza will be June 9-11, 2024.

  1. This show is open to all active 4-H, FFA, and Junior Breed Association members.
  2. White pants are required. A T-shirt will be provided with your entry and must be worn during the showing of your animal.
  3. Health requirements; All animals will be health inspected by a veterinarian upon arrival. No animals will be allowed on the fairgrounds exhibiting symptoms of infectious, contagious, or communicable diseases. Out-of-State exhibitors need to provide health papers dated no more than seven (7) days prior to arrival.
  4. Registered, Identified, and Grade animals are eligible.
  5. Each breed will be shown separately with the exception of Supreme Champion classes.
  6. Any animal deemed uncontrollable by show authorities will be excused from the show ring or the fairgrounds depending on the severity of the situation.
  7. Junior exhibitors are expected to have prepared their own project for exhibition.  While at Extravaganza, all livestock must be fitted by junior exhibitors.  Exhibitors may receive assistance from immediate family members only.  Junior exhibitors are encouraged to provide support for other junior exhibitors.