November 2024 MoosLetter
Congratulations to our dairy winners! Stan and Shari won H-Awards for Hands and Heart and Dani won the Diligence award.
Congratulations to our dairy winners! Stan and Shari won H-Awards for Hands and Heart and Dani won the Diligence award.
RETURNING AND NEW MEMBERS – If you plan on joining the dairy project as a Lease A Dairy member for the 2025 season, you must send Jennifer an email or text or GroupMe message by November 1st.
Your Dairy record book needs to be turned into your club leader or the Extension Office by Sept. 27th. This is a requirement for Lease A Dairy members.
If you need to borrow any equipment from Shari, ie wheelbarrow, water buckets, feed pans, hay forks, shovels, please text/email her by Wednesday, July 31st.
Great job to all our members that participated in the Greeley Extravaganza! We had a great time, made new friends and learned so much about showmanship and dairy quiz bowl.
We are just 19 days away from our first show in Greeley! There is a lot to prepare for, like washing & clipping your animal, getting the stalls set up and purchasing your bedding.
Happy April! We are excited for our meeting at the Heifer Authority in Carr. Please wear appropriate clothing for outdoor dairy fun!
Happy March! We are excited for our March meeting on Friday the 29th when we will talk about barn layout for fair, dairy ethics and packing your tack box.
Happy February! We hope all our Lease-A-Dairy members are looking forward to picking out their project animals next month. If you already own your animal, you have been busy keeping them warm and fed on these cold nights – but spring and sunshine are just around the corner!
Welcome to a new year in the dairy project! We are going to try some additional ways of communication this year; GroupMe text app, monthly email newsletter and posting more information to our Facebook and Instagram accounts.